Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Maintaining a Cheerful Disposition on the 2nd Anniversary of Katrina

The second anniversary of Katrina is a time for reflection. It may have happened in New Orleans, but we all know that nowhere and no one is immune to disaster, it can happen anywhere. With so many bad statistics coming out of the city, I'm sure that long-time residents of New Orleans, can find it challenging to keep a cheerful disposition. Yet, most who have decided to return to the city, are determined and focused to restore their beloved NOLA. Some have taken a real beating, but as they say, they keep on ticking.

Most of us have not had to deal with a severe natural disaster, like a hurricane, coming through and completely ripping apart our homes and lives. But we complain about the little annoyances in life that we feel make our lives difficult to bear. Stop and think! We could have real reason to cry a river! So, the next time life seems to be handing you a lemon, think about people that may be even more unfortunate than you. People, who through no fault of their own, have had their lives turned upside down. We can not just sit on our hands waiting for someone to save us, we must save ourselves. It starts with having a positive take on life, something I like to call a "cheerful disposition."

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Sunday, August 19, 2007

New People in Your Life

I don't know who wrote this saying, but it is true that our life does change with time, and that includes the people in our life. It may make us sad as we grow away from people in our life, but that is a part of change. And usually other people come into our life, that better fit the new life we are trying to create for ourselves.
When I think of any of my successes, I am
thankful to GOD from whom all blessings flow, and
to my family and friends that enrich my life.
Over the years my phone book has changed
because I changed for the better. At first you think
you're going to be alone, but after a while new
people show up in your life that make your life so
much sweeter and easier to endure.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Find Friends Who Support Your Dreams

To maintain a cheerful disposition or positive attitude in life, it is essential to surround yourself with like-minded people. Nothing can drag you down more, than being around a negative person that drains you and takes away your zest for life. That's why I thought the following saying was so appropriate. I don't know who wrote it, but it's so true.
Don't spend major time with minor people.
If there are people in your life that continually
disappoint you, break promises, and stomp on
your dreams, too judgmental, have different values
and don't have your back during difficult times . . .
that is not a friend.
Sometimes when you really evaluate your life, you realize you really need to make some new friends, because the people currently in your life are not supportive of you.

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Monday, August 13, 2007

Physical Activity can lead to Greater Happiness

A cheerful disposition and happiness certainly go together. That's why I have to talk about an article I recently read in the 8/5/07 issue of Parade magazine. The article was written by Michael O'Shea, and was entitled "Why being active makes you happy." It was an excellent, well-written article that really emphasized the connection between mental/emotional health and physical fitness. We often hear how physical exercise releases endorphins, the natural morphine-like compounds that create a serene feeling within us. The article mentions that exercise also effects other body compounds, "including serotonin, which keeps us from getting depressed, and dopamine, which keeps us motivated." There were five ways in which Mr. O'Shea mentions that activity can make us happier:
  • Reducing Stress and Anxiety The article points out that exercise can break down hormones and other chemicals that build up during periods of intense stress, and researchers even believe that it can help treat nervous tension. So, he says to think of your workout as a mini-vacation, time you are spending taking care of yourself. Something we all need. And exercise gives your mind a chance to rest from your everyday worries and anxieties.

  • A Better Disposition "Recent studies indicate that exercise can be as effective as antidepressants in treating mild depression." Aerobic exercise for 30 minutes, even every other day, can help moderately depressed people have a better mood in 2-3 weeks time. "Even short periods of exercise, such as a brief walk, can have an immediate positive effect." And if you exercise or walk with a friend, it's even better, since social interaction helps relieve depression.

  • A Good Night's Rest Exercise helps to get a good night's rest by tiring your body out, so that you are less likely to toss and turn. And exercise reduces stress hormones and anxiety that lead to sleeplessness.

  • Positive Self-Image When you improve your health and physical appearance, you gain control over your life and body. This can lead to confidence to other other areas of life, and raise your self-esteem, which makes you happier.

  • Spirituality Exercise can lead to increased spiritual awareness. "A solitary walk can help you feel more at one with nature and gain a sense of peace."

I really enjoyed the article by Michael O'Shea. His article confirms that in order to have a cheerful disposition one must not only think positively, but they must physically move their bodies too. The next time I don't want to workout, I'm going to think about all the positive benefits I will miss out on.

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Monday, August 6, 2007

The Perfect Opportunity?

I was recently reading something and saw the following quote. I'm not really into football, so I am not familiar with this former player, but thought the quote was really right on.

"Opportunities are seldom perfect.
But if you're not ready for them, they may not come again."

---Tiki Barber, Retired NFL Running Back/Broadcaster

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